***NOTE: Free Trial comes with Adult. To get Adult if you ReOrder make sure you choose the one with the Adult Package
·USER INFO for HIVE APK & HIVE Using TIVIMATE (Scroll down to find):https://ctc7.mybigcommerce.com/user-info-for-every-app/
USING DOWNLOADER APP: (Dont use spaces & Letters are Case Sensitive!)
1. (HIVE TVX VERSION) (Suggested to use this one!) Just Type in: 210452
2. (HIVE SMARTERS VERSION) (Also a Good one) h t t p s : / / t i n y u r l . c o m / h i v e p r o s m
*** Scroll to Bottom to see how to get & Use the Downloader App***
3. HIVE Using TIVIMATE: h t t p s : / / t i n y u r l . c o m / h i v e t v m a t e
*** For Android Phone or Tablets Just type in the Address above in a Browser on that Device
4. WEB PLAYER: (Use this on your PC, IPAD, IPHONE, TABLET OR
ANDROID PHONE) w a t c h . t h e h i v e . t v (Dont use spaces)
4. MAG DEVICES: h t t p : / / t h e h i v e . t v : 2 5 4 6 1 / c(Will need your MAG Box # and MAC Address....Dont Use Spaces!))
Dont Use Spaces